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In: Digital Marketing

Digital strategies have been dominated by content for decades. We’ve seen some amazing content writing as well as some mistakes. However, human error is inevitable. The recent evolution of Al gives us cause to rethink.

Artificial intelligence is now playing an important role in various personal and professional fields. This has resulted in a debate about whether AI is a threat to our jobs. Will AI technology replace certain functions such as that of a copywriter in the near future?

Do these new technologies signal the beginning of the end of the job of a copywriter?

The need for digital content has increased Throughout the last few years with the advent and development of the Internet. An increase in job offers for web writers and content creators can be attributed to this reason.

With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence programming, editorial professionals are finding themselves perplexed by AI technology and some experts feel that it is a threat to human copywriting.

Recent developments in AI and PR have given us access to strategies and tools that can help us create better content. AI programs are designed to imitate human writing styles and improve content creation by brands.

Is this as great as it sounds? What is AI capable of doing for your brand? What are the limits of this technology? What does the future hold in terms of content writing for Al? Let’s take a closer glance and find answers to these crucial questions.

Let’s first answer a simple question.

What’s AI?

Techopedia describes artificial intelligence as “the area of computer science that emphasizes creating intelligent machines that work, react, and behave like humans.” While this may conjure up images of robot takeovers, the truth is simpler and less frightening.

We all use artificial intelligence every day, even though we don’t think about it. AI is a way to make our lives easier.

We’ve seen amazing leaps in artificial intelligence development over the last couple of years, especially when it comes to PR.

We’ve already discussed how AI has helped PR professionals in many ways. Al automates mundane tasks such as social media scheduling and Office tasks. It helps us sort through huge amounts of data to find the most effective strategies, whether we are looking at influencer marketing, social networking, or media outreach.

This brings us to the newest area of artificial intelligence, content writing.

Writing content was traditionally the domain of content creators and writers. Content needed to be human-readable. Al, who has analyzed millions of articles from hundreds of industries, and is an expert in grammar and spelling, has taken on the challenge.

This raises many questions that we have already discussed, such as: How can this technology be used? What are its limitations? Let’s have a closer look at the current Al technology to find out.

What’s next for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Content Writing?

Al is a remarkable person. We can see the benefits in PR. We have also seen Al help businesses run more smoothly, particularly by preventing human error.

Writing content is no exception. For years, we have seen how spelling and grammar checks can help us catch mistakes that we missed and improve our writing. We can also speed up our writing process with Al’s auto-complete feature on many smartphones and computers.

It is no surprise then that Al has kept up with the times. Does this mean that the technology can handle all your writing tasks? Let’s take a look at what we have so far.

The Limitations of Al Writing

Al-written content, like all things, is not perfect. Although artificial intelligence can extract tone and theme from just a few sentences and then write a few paragraphs of text, it still makes mistakes.

The New Yorker conducted an experiment to determine if Al technology could be used in creating articles that meet their high publishing standards. They used an Al tool called GPT-2 to give the required information, and it produced an article.

The big question is: Was it ready for publication?

They concluded that the Al technology was capable of constructing grammatically correct senses but it did not have the skill or ability to reason and conceptualize. This is a critical component in content creation, especially for articles like those published by The New Yorker. Staff writers at The New Yorker don’t have to worry about their jobs.

Al is still able to create content even though he doesn’t have the same ability to think and conceptualize as a human.

The Best Uses of Al Writing

The majority of brands use al to analyze data and create content. The Washington Post, for example, has used Al to analyze sports scores, create articles about local games, and post updates on Twitter. Al has been used by the LA Times to analyze earthquake data and create breaking news articles about earthquakes around the globe.

These data-driven Al articles can be a boon as they relieve the pressure on staff writers and allow content sites to disseminate relevant information as quickly as possible.

There are many possible applications for this technology. Consider the many industries that create massive data sets every day. It would take much longer to analyze data without AI and it could be difficult to find key points.

The Bottom Line

It’s unlikely that brands will ever rely on Al alone, especially for the content of high quality, and need to be maintained at an impeccable standard.

Brands will require a safeguard in order to protect their brand and maintain standards when using AI to create articles. We are far from transferring all content creation tasks to artificial intelligence. Al is a great option for data-based content writing, where facts are the most important.

Let’s now look at what artificial intelligence is all about.

5 Powerful Artificial Intelligence Tools to Keep by Your Side


Article Forge

This Al tool generates articles about any topic. How does it do that? It will search the internet for relevant keywords and create a unique article based on what you have entered. To give you an edge, it can also integrate SEO strategies into each article.


Although this tool doesn’t write articles for you automatically, the artificial intelligence and machine-learning components of it can help you write better content. It can warn you if there are spelling or grammar errors and offer suggestions to improve.

Scoop. It

This platform is equipped with knowledge about content marketing best practices and the ability analyze the performance and trends of your content. It can provide you with the best advice and predictions regarding your content. It provides you with fresh insights and advice that will help you adapt your strategy to meet your needs. It can be used to curate and distribute relevant content to your audience.

Word. Al

Are you tired of an article but not sure how to make it better? Word is the answer. Ai comes in. It will automatically rewrite the article from scratch once you have entered it into its system. This is especially useful if the article doesn’t raise red flags in Google’s algorithm, Copyscape for duplicate content, or any other search engines.


Automated insights’ Al tool takes your data and creates a written narrative. Wordsmith can help you create a narrative from data about your organization’s structure and goals. Wordsmith is used by companies like Yahoo and The Associated Press to produce thousands of articles using a small set of data.

The scope of AI is expanding rapidly, particularly in content writing. This incredible technology provides you with strategic tools that will help you create more content. Let’s look forward to Al technology in the future.

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